
The Word Rev. Wisdom Roland AFRMI

ARMS OF FAITH REVIVAL MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL  LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER  Click here to watch video Today service started by 7:45am , and the glory of God,  the G.O and all members of the church met flood in the church,  that will not stop the service of the day by showing their  commitment unto God by bailing out the water for service.  Praise and worship started by 9am by bro Joel unto the Lord.  Those worshiping with the church for the first time were called upon to be  welcomed. Choir ministration TITLED: THE LORD  HAS DONE EVERYTHING FOR ME. THE WORD BY REV .F. ROLAND WISDOM THE MAN OF God Started by commanding and urging the  congregation to worship and praise the Almighty in prayer  if only the Lord had been so faithful to you.  That we should pray to God to continually grant us that  joy that passed all understanding that  we should pray to give us our own song to be sang. That the year should not pass us by. These prayers were offered to aid,  so we could grant

Speech by G. O Flood In Arms of Faith Revival Ministries Int'l Okpoama ...

SPEECH BY G.O REV. WISDOM .F.  ROLAND ABOUT THE FLOOD ARMS OF FAITH REVIVAL he talks about the hard work of the people of God and their commitment in doing the work of God listen to his speeches by clicking on the video


FLOOD IN ARMS OF FAITH REVIVAL MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL 27TH OCTOBER 2019 SUNDAY WATCH VIDEOS  Watch as members and G.O Works in the church on Sunday 27th October 2019 flood in the church

Women of faith celebrates= Women week 30th October 2011

ANNUAL WOMEN PROGRAM 2011 Women of faith celebrates= Women week 30th October 2011 speech by Deaconess Iwote  of AFRMI  
Jacobean age , (from Latin  Jacobus,  “James”), period of visual and literary arts during the reign of  James I  of  England  (1603–25). The distinctions between the early Jacobean and the preceding Elizabethan styles are subtle ones, often merely a question of degree, for although the  dynasty  changed, there was no distinct stylistic transition. In  architecture  the Jacobean age is characterized by a combination of motifs from the late Perpendicular Gothic period with clumsy and imperfectly understood classical details, in which the influence of Flanders was strong. The Tudor pointed arch is common, and in interior work there is considerable simple Tudor paneling and an occasional use of Perpendicular vaulting forms. Doorways, fireplaces, and the like are usually framed with classical forms, and both outside and inside there is a wide use of terms, pilasters, S-scrolls, and the type of pierced, flat ornament known as strapwork. Jacobean furniture pieces are usually of  oak  and a
King James Version (KJV) , also called  Authorized Version  or  King James Bible , English translation of the  Bible  published in 1611 under the  auspices  of King  James I  of England. The translation had a marked influence on English literary style and was generally accepted as the standard English Bible from the mid-17th to the early 20th century. Background The reign of Queen  Elizabeth I  (1558–1603) succeeded in imposing a high degree of uniformity upon the  Church of England .  Protestantism  was reinstated as the official religion of England after the short reign of  Mary I  (1553–58), who had attempted to restore  Roman Catholicism  in the country. In 1604, soon after James’s coronation as king of England, a conference of churchmen requested that the English Bible be revised because existing translations “were corrupt and not answerable to the truth of the original.” The Great Bible that had been authorized by  Henry VIII  (1538) enjoyed some popularity, but its success